Florida Theatre Conference connects, nurtures, and celebrates Florida’s diverse theatre community.

About FTC
The Florida Theatre Conference, Inc. is a non-profit, educational theatre organization founded in 1955 for the purpose of providing programs and services to individuals and group memberships. Its membership is unique, comprehensive, and intended to include all theatre organizations and individuals interested in theatre in the state of Florida.
To maintain statewide advocacy for support programs in arts education.
To provide a state forum which offers education, stimulates interest and encourages participation in all theatre.
To invite and encourage the cooperation of theatre groups and individuals in the sharing of knowledge and experience.
To promote continuity among Florida artists in directing, acting, designing and managing the arts.
To provide a quality theatre publication.
The goals of the Florida Theatre Conference are to celebrate the diversity of Florida Theatre, nurture communications among the various theatre constituencies, advance the highest possible standards of theatre, and encourage public appreciation of the art form.
Conference members subscribe to the philosophy that the synergy of collaboration enhances the professionalism and quality of our art. The building of a theatre community unique to Florida is important in order to strengthen and support individual theatre artists and theatrical organizations.
The Florida Theatre Conference encompasses all sixty-seven counties and is composed of eleven divisions: Youth Theatre, Community Theatre, Professional Theatre, High School Theatre, Middle School Theatre, Production Development, Devised Theatre, Workshops, Inclusion, University/College Theatre, and State College Theatre. It acts as a liaison between Florida, regional, and national organizations.
FTC Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The racial unrest in our country has been in existence for centuries. Considering the recent social awareness surrounding racism in America, individuals are examining their own conscious and subconscious biases. Organizations are examining their practices and work culture, and Florida Theatre Conference is among them.
So many organizations have or have not chosen to make a public statement and for those that have, they firmly declare what they stand against. However, FTC believes it is just as important and responsible to declare what to stand for and reveal the measures to be taken to support such a statement.
Part of FTC’s existing Non-Discrimination policy states: FTC is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment. These activities include employment, membership, holding office, volunteering, and participating in FTC activities, including (but not limited to) conventions, meetings, auditions, and performances.
With that statement, coupled with our mission statement: Florida Theatre Conference connects, nurtures and supports Florida’s diverse theatre community; here’s what we’re doing to make a difference. FTC is exploring ways to bring about more diversity in its organization and set guidelines within programming that will encourage more equity, diversity and access among its participants.
As a theatre arts education program, here is something else we are doing to support our constituents. We have created a resource page on our website. This “living” page contains links to informative sites with articles, books, curricula and much more to aid our FTC members in their professional, artistic and personal conscious evolution.
We are grateful for your continued FTC membership…and remember that FTC is here to connect, nurture and support our diverse theatre community.