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Colleges and Universities
At Florida Theatre Conference, one of the highlights for so many attendees is the ability to look to and plan their educational future. Between auditions, learning on-site via workshops, and speaking with representatives at the college fair, students and we at FTC love having these institutions.

For your School
When your school comes to FTC, there are many things to do for your instructors and other representatives.
College Fair | Reach prospective students from high schools and 2-year colleges and make your case for why your school is the one for them.
Workshops | Bring your school's theatre expertise to other attendees at FTC! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
Auditions | Take part in High School and College Transfer auditions to find students for your program.
Program Advertising | When registering, be sure to check out our options for advertising your institution to all FTC attendees.
For your Students
When your school comes to FTC, there's plenty for you to do as a student at your institution.
Workshops | We at FTC love having current college and university students share what they learn at their home institution with the attendees of FTC. Try leading a workshop! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
Auditions | Students have the option for an additional fee to participate in auditions to transfer institutions.
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